While there may be three to five species of Scorpion in Oklahoma, one is known as the most common in the entire state of Oklahoma, and that’s the striped bark scorpion. The average length of this species of scorpion is two inches. Scorpions have eight legs, two large pincers, and a segmented tail that can deliver an excruciating sting. If you have a scorpion problem call Healthy Homes Exterminating today. We have over 20+ years of controlling scorpions and know how to get the job done.
Where Can You Find Scorpions?

Scorpions like dark, moist areas and are usually most active at night. We find them outside under stones, boards, logs, or other materials that can provide some shade for them. We usually can find scorpions during spring, summer, and fall, with a rare sighting during winter. Kitchens, bathrooms, crawl spaces, attics, wall voids, cracks, and crevices are the most common places to find a scorpion in your home or business.
Can Scorpions Be Hard To Control?
We have found that scorpions are easily controlled with a regular Monthly, Bi-monthly, or Quarterly service plan. The Initial treatment would consist of a liquid spray inside and outside your home and pesticide dust put in key places inside and outside your structure. The regular maintenance treatments would consist of liquid pesticides on the exterior with an interior as needed. Scorpions have been reported to be able to live for two years without food or water. Now that’s a pretty tough pest. Here at Healthy Homes Exterminating, we know how to kill scorpions.
What Can You Do To Help Control Scorpions?
- Keep your lawn mowed and use a weedeater close to the structure.
- Put weather-stripping around loose doors and windows and fill in any gaps with caulking.
- Remove all debris from around the home or business like logs, bricks, trash, and brush.
- Check firewood before you bring it inside.
- Get rid of any clutter in your crawl space, garage, and attic.
- Put steel mesh in weep holes.
- Caulk around plumbing pipes, cracks, crevices, and other entry points.
- Make sure screen doors and the screens on windows don’t have holes to allow entry.
- Use exterior night lights that don’t attract pests that a scorpion might see as a meal.

Are Scorpion Stings Dangerous?
In Oklahoma, a scorpion sting is more painful than a wasp sting unless you have an allergic reaction. Usually, the venom is not that serious. But you should seek medical attention for young children, the elderly, or hypersensitive people. Also, if you get stung, inform someone immediately just in case an emergency develops from the venom. Signs of an allergic reaction may include wheezing, shortness of breath, and swelling around the face and throat. The venom can last up to 48 hours or longer, so try putting an ice pack on the area where you were stung.